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INFO@EANDKWOOD.COM          310-306-6900


Large selection of Mantles in Stock.  Material is cut from longer beams that we source from barns, old factories and other old structures.  We offer Hand Hewn, Original Rough Face and Planed.  

All the mantles are power washed, kiln dried and lightly sanded.  We can cut the back face of the mantle so that it will sit flush to the wall.

Mantles are priced by the Linear Foot.  

Mantles no more than 6" width or depth are priced at $600 up to 6 feet long and an additional $75 for each additional foot.  If its finished then its $700 up to 6' long and an additional $75 per linear foot.

Mantles no more then 8" in width or depth are priced at $700 up to 6 feet long and an additional $100 for each additional foot.  If its finished then its $800 up to 6' long and an additional $100 for each additional foot. 

Mantles no more then 10" in width or depth are priced at $800 up to 6 feet long and an additional $100 for each additional foot.  If its finished then its $900 up to 6' long and an additional $100 for each additional foot.


MT Hand Hewn Beam Mantles

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See more: Mantels (MT)
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