FL Hudson 534 Reclaimed Oak Flooring
Reclaimed Oak flooring with a custom finish dark mahogany finish on a planed face. Thickness: 5/...
FL Oak Grayville 540 Sold by the Square Foot
The Grayville finish has an elegance through its layers of color. Purplish brown undertones with ...
FL420 Tangiers Oak Reclaimed Wood Flooring
Our Tangiers Floor is a stunning floor to behold. Comprised of original rough faced reclaimed Oa...
FL421 Dossetti Oak Reclaimed Wood Flooring
The Dossetti reclaimed Oak flooring is one of our most popular floors. With its original textur...
FL480 Oak Planed Unfinished Reclaimed Wood Flooring
E&K Reclaimed Oak flooring planed surface, Tongue and Groove (T&G) unfinished. Mixed Red ...
FL481 Oak Rough Unfinished Reclaimed Wood Flooring
E&K Reclaimed oak flooring rough original face Tongue and Groove (T&G) unfinished. SPECIF...
FL507 Aquitaine Oak Orig. Face and Hit or Miss Reclaimed Wood Flooring
Aquitaine finish brings to mind a foot worn floor of an old French Villa. SPECIFICATIONS: Thickn...
FL523 Santiago Oak Reclaimed Wood Flooring
The Santiago is one of E&K’s most sought after floors. Reclaimed Oak flooring hand sanded wi...
FL580 Adele Oak Reclaimed Wood Flooring
Rich dark grays and browns grace this elegant custom finished Reclaimed Oak floor. The Adele will...
FL685 Santa Fe Oak Reclaimed Wood Flooring
The Santa Fe is one of our most elegant yet livable custom finishes we have made. It has a white ...